Adult Sex Ed

Growing up....

How did you learn about sex when you were growing up?

Understanding how sex works and what is happening in your body can make a big difference to your enjoyment of sex.

Often we don’t learn much about sex as we mature through our teens into adulthood and what we do learn may be negative or very limited. Then as we get older it may be difficult to admit what we don’t know.

What messages did you get from your parents about sex? What did you learn from your first sexual experiences? Do you wish that you had a more positive attitude about sex or would you like to discover how to explore more sexually?

And more areas of interest: your brain, lubricants & condoms, pharmaceuticals....

Some say that the mind is our largest sex organ. Are you using yours in the most positive and imaginative way possible?

Did you know that lubricant can enhance sexual experience? Are you comfortable using condoms?

How is your sex life being affected by medications that you are taking? Learn about the impact of anti-depressants and other medications on sexual function.

Keep up with new research to discover how to enhance your sex life!

Please contact Dr. Rucker and she will help determine which therapist will best suit your specific needs. She can be reached by phone at (604) 731-4466 or by email at

Bianca Rucker, PhD, RN, RMFT

Registered Nurse & Marriage and Family Therapist

Sex Therapy, Relationship and Couples Counselling, Vancouver, BC

#400 - 601 W. Broadway, (604) 731-4466